Marketing has historically focused mostly on outbound strategies, including telemarketing, trade exhibitions, TV, radio, and print media advertising. While marginally successful, these strategies excluded many brands, particularly small companies with limited or no marketing resources.

So what is the solution to this?

Inbound Marketing!

Today, inbound marketing methods are the main marketing approach used by over 75% of firms in the United States and other countries. The strategy's broad acceptance can be attributed to its affordability.

Continue reading to learn more about the possible advantages if you want to improve your inbound marketing tactics. 

Are you prepared to find out more right now? 

Let's get started!

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing employs relevant, engaging, and educational material to attract potential customers to your platforms,

Thanks to adblockers, prospects can now more easily than ever tune out traditional commercials, so it's best to have them contact you directly because you have answers to their questions. This will future-proof your marketing efforts and save time and money.

Well-written inbound content answers prospects' questions and gives them the knowledge they need to make an informed decision.

Inbound marketing frequently uses interesting social media posts, easily accessible websites, and informative blog content. You get more engagement because your potential consumer has specifically sought it out (plus, you don't have to worry about adblockers).

Learn more about inbound marketing in our complete guide.

Advantages of Inbound Marketing

Now that you understand inbound marketing, you may wonder why inbound marketing is important.

Below, we have outlined some of the main advantages of employing inbound marketing. 


Generally, inbound marketing is more cost-effective and yields a larger return on investment than outbound marketing

Inbound marketing leads are 62% less expensive than outbound prospects. Additionally, companies that primarily use inbound marketing save more than $14 (£10) for each new client they bring on.

inbound marketing save more than $14 (£10)

Sometimes, investing more money can increase productivity or traffic to your social media and website pages. To observe how the pros handle it, you should allocate money for search engine marketing, a CRM, or outsourcing some of your content creation or marketing plan.

Increases Conversions

It's never a one-time deal with inbound marketing, unlike, for example, a TV commercial or billboard. Rather, you establish a lasting relationship, enabling you to continue communicating with the customer even after they have converted. 

Furthermore, you may continue drawing in more leads with less work if you gain your audience's trust and establish your reputation through your blog posts, social media updates, webinars, etc.

Educates Your Prospects

61% of marketers, increasing their organic presence

According to 61% of marketers, increasing their organic presence and enhancing SEO are their top inbound marketing goals. Leads won't come from your efforts and contented customers alone, so producing educational content that appeals to prospective customers is necessary.

It's not too hard to tell the difference between videos and content that are real brand advertisements and those that aren't. Being genuine is important; you must ensure your writing is accurate and relevant.

High-quality content can be easily shared online. As a crucial component of an inbound strategy, this sharing helps build brand recognition and makes your company visible worldwide.

Generates Quality Traffic

Businesses that maintain an active web blog experience a significant increase in quality lead generation. Inbound marketing assists you in creating connections that lead to sales.

You'll get more visits the more high-quality content you provide, but you should be prepared for those visitors by providing them with the forms, landing pages, CTAs, and other resources they need to help them convert. After they become active advocates and clients, you need to keep using the different inbound methodology strategies.

The better your material, the more visitors you'll attract. 

The catch is that to encourage visitors to take action, you must prepare for their visits with the appropriate setup (forms, landing pages, CTAs, and so on). Then, it would help if you continued to implement inbound techniques, leading them each step of the way until they become your clients and begin promoting your company.

Increases Brand Visibility

Various factors, including competition and pricing, establish a brand's position. Customers also influence how they interact with the brand and how they perceive and anticipate it. 

The core of inbound marketing is offering material that solves a prospect's problem or at least assists in solving it. Assisting and guiding the potential customer in this way strengthens your brand's reputation as an authoritative, knowledgeable, and experienced business. 

Your brand will have a major competitive advantage if it has a stronger brand position than its rivals.

Merges Sales and Marketing

Merges Sales and Marketing

In a rare instance of departmental harmony, one benefit of inbound marketing is that it makes the tasks of marketers and sales reps easier. Both teams collaborate to accomplish inbound marketing. 

Salespeople and marketers can create and deliver content and work together throughout the sales funnel. Both teams can combine their skills into a single commercial approach to generate traffic, leads, conversions, and customer retention.

Generates Qualified Leads

While inbound marketing has many benefits, establishing business relationships and marketing leads is its greatest asset. 

By offering educational content, you attract potential customers to your website, encouraging them to take action and contact you to learn more about your products or services. They are basically making their way inside the sales funnel at their own pace. 

Consumers desire more influence over the sales process, particularly over the material they consume, so inbound marketing is a highly beneficial marketing strategy for businesses to meet this demand. Nevertheless, it might be challenging to track ROI for inbound marketing.

Works Alongside Traditional and Outbound Marketing

Advertising in the media and participating in trade exhibitions and conferences are common aspects of marketing. This is perfectly acceptable, of course, as we know that the prospects you are trying to reach do watch these programs and read these publications. Your business can continue to do this because it is a wise strategic move.

Fortunately, inbound marketing can be combined with these conventional strategies to enhance marketing and reach different prospects. Inbound marketing may function without interfering with ongoing marketing initiatives because prospects will undoubtedly utilize social media and search engines for information.

Attracts The Right Audience

Today's consumers want to gather as much information as possible before purchasing. Data indicates that 57% of B2B buyers are involved in purchasing inquiries before contacting the seller.

57% of B2B buyers are involved in purchasing inquiries before contacting the seller

Customers are so protective due to the flood of marketing messages pushed in their faces that they are now ignoring them.

However, since inbound marketing involves putting material where such customers are waiting to find it, those customers often accept the inbound marketing process. When they are ready to answer, those who reply to the material are usually interested in your offerings.

Builds Trust And Credibility

Prospective customers used to call or visit multiple sellers in-person to compare items and costs. These days, all it takes is a button click to access lists of your competitors, product reviews, and details on what extra features best suit their needs and preferences.

You can take charge of the conversation and establish authority by offering that information. The secret is to be willing to discuss anything and everything your potential customers ask about, including costs, features, comparisons, reviews, and even disadvantages.

If you provide material that appeals to your target audience, they will return to your website and recommend it to others. Other websites may link to it to further spread the word about it. When this occurs, Google will consider you a reliable source, increasing your visibility in search engine rankings.

Your audience is more likely to trust you with their contact information and, eventually, their company when your website develops into a place where they know they can get fair information on your area of expertise. Furthermore, if you discuss the disadvantages, people will self-select out of your funnel if they're not a good fit.

Optimizes Return On Investment (ROI)

With the help of a clear, quantifiable marketing campaign, your company may pinpoint the areas of its marketing plan that need work and make the required optimization tweaks to boost efficiency and enhance customer relations.

It's difficult to justify spending money on a marketing plan you are unsure of being effective.

Knowing when to abandon a plan or continue spending money on it can be challenging. On the other hand, inbound marketing allows you to monitor the precise outcomes of your marketing campaigns over time.

Accessible To Businesses Of All Sizes

Even local outbound tactics like radio commercials and flyer distribution can sometimes be too much for a small business to handle. On the other hand, low-cost inbounding tactics, such as creating approachable social media accounts, can be implemented on a basic level with little effort.

The scope of your inbound marketing initiatives might expand as your company expands, in line with the resources and time available. This could entail investing in engaging content, like video, or using an expert to develop your content and optimize your SEO.

With inbound marketing, you can easily track traffic and add fresh content at minimal expense, which allows you greater freedom to experiment and figure out what works at a low risk. 

Adds Automation And Saves You Time

As leads approach you, you can utilize workflows to automatically categorize them and evaluate whether they meet the requirements to qualify as leads. This will save you time by eliminating the need to spend time with consumers who will never become customers.

Instead of manually tracking and following up with different leads, automation can be set up to trigger emails to certain groups of potential clients when they meet specific milestones. This way, you only need to set up emails once.

This gives your staff more time to focus on the stages of the buyer's journey where a personal touch is most valuable, like closing deals, producing content, and interacting on social media or live chat.

Nurtures Your Leads And Your Customers

just 5% of your leads will be ready to buy immediately

Generally, just 5% of your leads will be ready to buy immediately. This gives you a ton of leads interested in learning more from you before choosing to become clients. 

Therefore, it's important to nurture these leads. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by sending leads a constant stream of carbon-copy emails, but studies have indicated that more precise targeting can provide significant results.

Inbound marketing, which is based on buyer personas, allows you to target particular segments of your leads with individualized offers and content, making them feel important and promoting their continued engagement with your material. 

To assist you in closing leads, your CRM can track the duration of time since your leads have interacted with you and the responses they have given you. They also make it easier to implement strategies, such as customizing bulk emails, keeping track of the data that leads have already provided, and facilitating easier information exchange between marketing and sales teams.

Inbound marketing is built on three stages- attract, convert, close, and delight. Going above and above for your consumers is the key to customer satisfaction. Happy clients are likelier to recommend you to others, bring in additional business, and make repeat purchases. 

This is all excellent news for your business, as studies reveal that customers are more likely to trust other clients than brands.

customers are more likely to trust other clients than brands

Provides Data And Greater Measurability

One major benefit of inbound marketing is its quantifiability; tracking key performance indicators is significantly simpler when you handle everything online.

Using a CRM product, you can find out which emails are being opened, which posts are performing well, where visitors to your website are coming from, and when conversions are happening. You may also use it to define leads, traffic, and income goals and track your progress toward them.

Access to this data enables you to assess which aspects of your buyers' journey are successful and which require improvement. You may also determine which of your leads will most likely become future customers by looking through your interactions and the information you have obtained about them from landing pages. 

This implies you can schedule more time to follow up with the most qualified prospects.

When Should You Boost Your Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing helps raise awareness, generate quality leads, build credibility, develop trust, and establish long-lasting client relationships, increasing profitability and spurring growth. 

Any company can use inbound marketing to reach all of these standards. However, there are two obvious indicators that you ought to boost your inbound marketing efforts.

Poor SEO

No matter how great your services or goods are, if your brand is not showing up on the first page of Google for relevant keyword searches, you may never be able to generate leads through organic traffic.

90% of pages do not get organic traffic

90% of pages do not get organic traffic, and even if you are lucky enough to be on the second page, less than one percent of Google searchers click on the results. You must create a strong SEO optimization plan to improve your ranking if you're not doing well in searches.

Low Conversion Rates

Most marketers acknowledge that their best source of leads comes from inbound. If you're drawing in low-quality leads that don't convert well, you should improve your inbound marketing plan.

Generally speaking, if your conversion rates are poor, your marketing return on investment is probably too. With at least a 14% closure rate on SEO, research indicates that using inbound can increase your return on investment.

Inbound Marketing is Here To Stay

Several inbound marketing benefits are mostly longer-term exposure and more suited clients. 

As an inbound marketer, your first assignment will be to begin publishing as many blogs as possible. The more quality content you produce, the more uses it will have and the more marketing channels it will give you.

However, if you have been struggling with delivering results through your marketing campaigns, we are here to help.

At AI bees, we believe in the power of AI in marketing to grow businesses.

If this is what you are looking for, schedule a demo today and let us guide you to success!