You know you’re not spraying and praying your way to getting leads on email but why isn’t anyone replying? 

If your email marketing campaigns seem to be failing, and the need to re-evaluate their effectiveness is ever present in your head, it's time to talk about email marketing KPIs. 

Understanding these KPIs is essential to succeeding in the inbox, whether you're a tiny business owner or an experienced marketer. 

We'll examine what makes email marketing successful, from open rates to click-through rates. 

Therefore, get ready to up your email game and begin to see those conversions roll in!

Understanding Email Marketing KPIs 

Key performance indicators (KPIs) indicate how well specific email campaign components perform. 

You can gather information by monitoring your email KPIs. Most of the time, you'll want to know who views your marketing emails or passes them on to other contacts. 

These measurements, however, won't demonstrate the efficacy of your whole plan.

You should identify subscriber trends to gauge the effectiveness of a campaign and adjust your strategy as necessary to stay on trend. 

95% of leading marketers concur that for marketing analytics KPIs to be truly meaningful, they must be connected to more general business objectives.

If a campaign doesn't have the desired effect, metric s like unsubscribe, click-through, and bounce rates will rapidly show this.

Why You Should Study Your Email Metrics Consistently 

Thanks to technology, you may have an email marketing platform that tracks, evaluates, and calculates your email marketing stats. 

You don't need to pull out your outdated math textbooks or manually check them daily.

What a reminder!

Researching email metrics is necessary to achieve your marketing objectives and improve the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. 

Analyzing KPIs like open rates and click-through rates can help you gain insights into what connects with your audience, boost your return on investment (ROI), customize your message, and stay ahead of the competition.

By understanding the fundamental email metrics, you can join 73% of experienced marketers who declare that email has been crucial to their success.

It doesn't matter how horrible your current situation is; what matters is how desperately you want to be good at what you do.

Get down to work and streamline your business using email marketing KPIs.

Top Email Marketing KPIs and How to Manage Them 

Several marketers focus their email campaign metrics on 3-5 KPIs. However, to get the complete picture, you must monitor more KPIs.

These 16 key email marketing metrics and KPIs can help you optimize your campaigns.

Open Rates

The open email rate can measure many parameters, including the number of receivers who open your email campaign. 

This number is essential because it indicates the success of your email marketing campaign.

The sender's reputation, the content of the subject line, and the time of day the email gets sent all impact the percentage of recipients that open your message. 

The ideal range for open email rates is between 17 and 28%. This range of available rates signifies a successful marketing effort.

As a result, while trying to increase open rates, strive to at least aim for this range. 

How To Boost Open Rates

There are unique things you may do to increase your available email speed if your open rates are poor.

  • Make use of subject lines that attract the reader's attention.
  • Maintain uniformity in the sender name you use.
  • Sending your emails at the most optimal moment is essential.
  • Optimize your email for mobile
  • Personalize your emails
  • Segment your list
  • Test, test, test!

By contrast, the number of people who opened the email to the overall number of emails you sent can determine an email's open rate.

Overall ROI

If your company spends on marketing and has a good return on investment, this may favor KPIs like revenue, client acquisition, and conversion rates. 

On the other hand, poor ROI might hurt the same KPI.

Unless email is an area where you're ready to suffer a loss because of other benefits obtained, you may have a problem if you're investing more in your email marketing than you're getting out of it.

Consider devoting extra funds to your email marketing campaigns if your income is significantly more than your expenses.

Email marketing typically yields a return of $36 for every dollar spent. Simply put, you get 36 times your investment of one dollar.

Get in the way of your customers in the best ways possible; gain that ROI!

How To Improve ROI

Here are tips on how to help the situation if your ROI is low:

  • Set specific goals and objectives for each investment to ensure that you can monitor ROI and compare it to your goals. 
  • It might help you invest and ensure that you put money where it will have the biggest impact on KPI and the highest chance of producing a high return on investment.
  • Monitoring and analyzing your data is another method for managing total ROI.
  • Make modifications in areas with poor ROI. By directing resources to the regions with the best ROI, you may also utilize this data to maximize your expenditures.
  • To increase ROI, you can also increase efficiency, lower prices, and raise the quality of goods and services.

Establishing clear targets, routinely monitoring and evaluating data, and improving efficiency and quality can maximize your ROI and raise your KPI.

Unsubscribe Rate

Unsubscribe rates are crucial email marketing metrics to monitor when it comes to email marketing. 

They can demonstrate how many people have lost interest in receiving your emails. If your average unsubscribe rate is high, it may be time to analyze the content of your emails and see if you can remedy the issue.

While a low unsubscribe rate suggests that people are generally satisfied with the emails, a high unsubscribe rate indicates that people are not interested in the emails you send.

Email effectiveness, frequency, and relevancy are just a few variables that might impact unsubscribe rates.

Tread carefully, and make moves that will let you stay in those inboxes into which your content lands.

How Can I Reduce The Rate Of Email Unsubscribes?

Here are some tips for lowering email unsubscribe rates:

Provide relevant and useful content: Ensure your subscribers get relevant, valuable, and satisfying content. This will keep people interested and reduce unsubscriptions.

Establish goals: Be upfront about your email content. Inform them of your frequency and content.

Send emails from a known sender, ideally a genuine person. Subscribers are more likely to identify and open the email.

Optimize email frequency: Avoid spamming your subscribers. Find the desired email frequency for your audience.

Add an unsubscribe link in every email: Make it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe. Unsubscribers are better than spammers.

Request email feedback and act on it. It will help you analyze and enhance subscriber needs.

These techniques will help you retain subscribers. Take the steps your business needs to excel at your work.

Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is the proportion of recipients who read your email, clicked on the link, and did the action you asked them to.

It's the measure that most strongly indicates whether or not you attained our ROI objectives and how well your email marketing strategies and campaign performed. 

To make customers like what you have for them, address their pain points directly through personalization.

Email personalization can boost conversion rates by 10% or more.

email personalization Conversion Rate

Convert your readers; don't just send content to be looked at. Let them act!

How To Improve Conversion Rates

Success with conversions often relies on the particular campaign. Your conversion rate will likely be greater if you ask for free downloads rather than sales. 

To increase conversions, consider using stronger CTAs, creating a feeling of urgency, and including links to exciting landing pages. 

Delivery Rate

Did your email reach the people you wanted it to? When reviewing your email marketing metrics benchmarks, everything should start here. 

Your email deliverability depends on the emailing platform you choose. Delivery rates for emails vary amongst email service providers. 

Deliverability is generally 78.67%. On average, 21 of every 100 emails sent do not get delivered to the inbox.

email Delivery Rate

No matter how appealing, your offers and information will gain no mileage if your emails aren't delivered to inboxes or sent straight to spam.

Here is some free advice for you.

How To Make Delivery Rates Go High

Poor email list quality might prevent emails from reaching the correct inboxes. 

Here is how to deal with this;

  • Clean and refresh your email list periodically, eliminating incorrect email addresses and verifying that subscribers have opted-in.
  • Evade spam terms and phrases, use an identifiable sender name and subject line, and use a trusted IP address to evade spam filters.
  • Authenticate emails using Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) or digital signature fails to authenticate(DKIM ). Email authentication validates authenticity and improves delivery.
  • Segment your email list according to interests and actions to deliver targeted communications to particular groups of subscribers and increase the probability that your emails will reach the correct inboxes.
  • Use a double opt-in procedure to validate email addresses and increase engagement.
  • Send relevant and valuable content, optimize email frequency, and include an unsubscribe link to improve email deliverability.


These measures help organizations send emails to the proper inboxes.

Social Shares

This is the proportion of your email subscribers who use the links in your emails to forward or share them.‍

Shared content impacts more people than non-shared content. People show their support for a brand by disseminating its content. Indirectly, they are showing support for that brand as well.

That is a potent example of social proof and word of mouth. Your email CTR improves by 158% through social sharing. 

email CTR and Social Shares

Additionally, people base their purchases on the recommendations of their friends.

How To Make Shares Better

If your emails don't already contain social share and forward links (like "share with your network"), include them. 

Examine the content of your emails to see what is shared. Do some topics or content categories receive more shares than others? Use that information in your upcoming efforts.

Remember the following when writing content you want readers to share.

  • It confers social capital to the sender. 
  • The environment around you triggers it. Something is top of mind when it is on the tip of your tongue.
  • It stirs up feelings. "We share when we care."
  • It is openly accessible. 
  • It is useful in real life. "People enjoy sharing information that is applicable and helpful. 
  • News that others can apply.
  • The tale is engaging. "People don't consider the information when thinking. They have a narrative way of thinking.

Email Forwards

It is similar to social shares in some ways but significantly different in others.

More people are open to the content when it gets forwarded via email than when you post it on social media.

The reason?

A forward stands out because it is uncommon, much like answering the phone or getting an actual letter in the mail. 

Once more, this gauges how well your content engages readers and is worthy of sharing, two metrics you want to raise.

How To Increase Forward Rates

Here are some suggestions for improving your email forwarding ability:

  • Focus on integrating social sharing buttons.
  • Have a direct and captivating subject line.
  • Utilize a visually appealing design.
  • Include a call to action.
  • Personalize emails.
  • Offer incentives if you want your emails to get forwarded. 

Implementing these suggestions may improve your emails' chances of being forwarded and seen.

Spam Complaints

Keep track of spam complaints. It is one of the significant metrics you should be tracking.

Regrettably, some individuals choose to report emails as spam rather than take the trouble to unsubscribe. 

Though we would prefer it if they wouldn't, this is a reality.

According to estimates, spam emails cost businesses over $20.5 billion annually globally. 

Spam Complaints

It includes lost productivity due to employee time spent dealing with unwelcome emails and possible costs from data breaches brought on by successful attacks on business systems via harmful links and attachments in phishing emails. 

It is crucial to remember that this figure excludes expenses related to reputational harm caused by a brand connected to lousy behavior like phishing schemes and identity theft efforts.

If both KPIs are moving in the same direction, you should notice since this means you are receiving many spam reports and unsubscribe requests. 

There's a good chance that you're doing something incorrectly. But if you make a change, keep an eye on this number. That might be the only issue, and you can quickly fix it. 

How to Avoid Spam Complaints

Email marketing efforts may suffer when emails do not arrive in the intended recipients' inboxes. 

Consider the following options for addressing this issue:

  • Focus on acquiring permission.
  • Offer worthwhile material, including an unsubscribe link.
  • Segment your email list.
  • Track your email frequency.
  • Use an identifiable sender name and email address.
  • Avoid trigger words such as cash, offer, or buy
  • Authenticate your emails to prevent spam complaints regarding your emails. 

Adhering to these best practices may increase the deliverability of your emails and lower the possibility of spam complaints.

Clicks by Link/URL

Knowing what people are clicking on is essential. You are not poking your nose.

Not at all.

A high CTR may seem appealing, but what if all those hits were on the unsubscribe link? 

Customers may click a link in the email's opening paragraph rather than the primary call to action on which your campaign was based. 

By monitoring clicks on individual links, you can tell what is capturing people's attention and whether the flow of your email is operating as intended.

How To Know Where Clicks Happen

Do you want to know the hidden click destination in your subscriber's emails?

Here are some secrets:

  • Enable email campaign tracking. Your email links need a tracking code.
  • After sending your campaign, evaluate your email marketing platform's stats. Check clicks, CTR, and links clicked.
  • Analyze the data: Determine which links your recipients liked most. It might reveal the material or offers your audience wants.
  • Optimize campaigns using data: Use your analysis to optimize email marketing. In future campaigns, you may create more popular content or offers.

Tracking clicks and analyzing the data might help you enhance future email campaigns.

Revenue Per Email

You can contact potential clients quite effectively through email marketing. 

Comprehending how to compute revenue per email is critical if you want email marketing to be as effective as possible.

Too many or too few emails sent directly affects your return on investment. Research shows that 9–16 emails a month is the sweet spot. 

Revenue Per Email

This frequency can produce a staggering ROI of 46:1. The ROI can only be 13:1 when sending just one monthly email. By simply sending two to four emails per month, the ROI increases to 31:1.

By comprehending this metric, businesses might modify their email marketing tactics to increase income.

How To Improve Revenue Per Email

These methods can boost email revenue:

  • Segment your email list: Sending targeted and tailored emails increases conversions. You may segment your list by purchasing history, geography, or hobbies.
  • Email personalization boosts engagement and conversions. Use the recipient's name and provide customized product suggestions based on prior purchases or browsing habits.
  • Optimize your emails by testing subject lines, CTAs, and content. A/B test email components to improve performance.
  • Use a strong CTA: Email CTAs should be obvious. Action-oriented language boosts clicks and conversions.
  • Optimize email content for mobile devices: More people are checking email on mobile devices, optimizing your email content for smaller displays. Keep email copy brief and mobile-responsive.
  • Offer incentives or promotions, such as discounts or free shipping, to increase email revenue.
  • Retention is cheaper than acquisition. Email consumers to promote repeat purchases.

These tactics help boost email marketing performance and revenue per email.

Click-through Rate

One critical email marketing KPI is click-through rate (CTR). It tracks how often recipients of your email click a button or link.

A high CTR demonstrates the effectiveness of your call to action and the relevance and engagement of your email's content. 

You should monitor CTR often since it is crucial for assessing the efficiency of email campaigns.

An individual receives an average of 120 emails daily—that's a lot if you ask me. Given the fierce battle for attention, ensuring your emails stand out is vital.

To do this, you may raise your click-through rate (CTR). According to Mailchimp, the overall average click-through rate is 2.91%.

Your email marketing initiatives may waste time and effort if your email's click-through rates are poor. Aim for content your subscribers find appealing.

For instance, did you know that the click-through rates of email marketing campaigns with video content are 96% greater than those without video content?

email Click-through Rate with video

Your email's click-through rate (CTR) could be poor for various reasons.

Your content may be irrelevant to your audience, or your subject lines lack inspiration. 

Additionally, it's possible that your emails are getting marked as spam or that you're not adequately segmenting your list. 

Low CTR is an issue that you have to seek a solution for.

Improving The Click-Through Rate Of Your Emails

You increase your email's click-through rate (CTR).

  • Ensure that your subject line email is precise and short. Knowing an email's subject increases the likelihood of it getting opened.
  • Keep the body of your email relevant to the subject line.
  • Use photographs and various visuals to break up the monotony of your email message's content and increase its visual appeal.

You can make it a breeze with click-through rates; keep grinding.

Click-to-Open Rate

The open email rate indicates how many people open an email campaign. 

The reputation of the sender, the subject line, and the time of day the email gets sent are just a few variables that impact email open rates. 

A good CTOR should range from 6% to 17%, depending on your sector. 

good email Click-to-Open Rate

Look at your business to understand the kinds of data you should anticipate.

How To Raise The Open Rates Of Emails

If you realize that your email open rates are low, you may improve them by:

  • Use catchy topic line headings
  • Consistency in the sender's name
  • Send emails when it's most efficient.
  • Make your email mobile-friendly
  • Individualize your emails
  • Partition your list.
  • Test again and again!

To learn more, we have gathered 40+ tips to increase email open rate.

Unceasingly monitoring your marketing surroundings is the secret to maintaining your competitive edge.

Bounce Rate

Email bounces are one of the most crucial email marketing KPIs that any professional email marketer must monitor.

So, how does a bounce occur?

This happens when an email is sent to an incorrect address, while a soft bounce occurs when you use a legitimate email address, but the server nevertheless returns the email.

If your email marketing efforts have a high bounce rate, your efforts are inefficient and your target audience is not receiving what you want. 

In addition, spam complaints may result from a high bounce rate.

You are responsible for keeping your bounce rate low as an email marketer.

Businesses with high email bounce rates may encounter difficulties attracting customers via email marketing. This can lead to a nosedive in sales and a loss of income for the organization.

The average email bounce rate is under 2%.

average email bounce rate is under 2%

Unfortunately, email marketing has no "good" or acceptable high bounce rates.

There are various causes for emails to bounce, but the main one is that the recipients are no longer active or using the email account.

High email bounce rates may be problematic for companies reaching clients via email marketing. It might result in a decline in sales and a loss of revenue for the company.

So, how do you handle such a situation?

How To Lower The Number Of Emails That Bounce

You may take the following actions to reduce high email bounce rates:

  • Ensure that your email list is current. Remove any email addresses that are invalid or no longer active.
  • To verify each email address, use a double opt-in procedure.
  • Test the content of your email before sending it out to your full contact list. Send a test email to a select set of recipients to determine whether or not they have received your message.

Using these pointers, you can ensure that your messages reach the people you want them to.

List Growth Rate

Your subscriber lists are at the heart of all of this.

Do they expand? Do they remain static? 

A key indicator of how your emails are doing over time and whether your email sign-up CTAs are working is the health of your different lists and segments.

Data & Marketing Association research shows that email marketers' average list growth rate is 2.5%.

List Growth Rate

A corporation reaches a broader audience when its email list multiplies, indicating positive progress.

It would help if you did everything right.

How To Get A Good List Growth Rate

Try these email list development strategies:

  • Use an easy-to-use sign-up form on your website. Pop-up or slide-in forms may attract visitors' attention.
  • Incentives: Offer a discount or free e-book to email list subscribers. It may boost email sign-ups.
  • Host an email-required contest or giveaway. It may boost brand awareness and subscriptions.
  • Partner with other businesses: Promote each other's email lists. It might expand your readership and list.
  • Promoting your email list and considering buying advertising space on social media platforms may increase the number of individuals you contact.
  • Attend relevant trade exhibitions and events with a sign-up form to collect email addresses.
  • Optimize your email content: Make your email content entertaining and valuable to keep subscribers and encourage referrals.

These tactics help boost email list growth and establish a lucrative subscriber base. Focus on getting brand-loyal subscribers who will interact with your email content. 

Predictably, quality is just as crucial as quantity.

Campaign Performance

It is rare to send an ad-hoc email. Whether a sequence of emails or a far more intricate web of messages across several platforms, they are part of a more significant customer experience. 

You can use a single email on many trips, at various phases, or for multiple audiences.

Whatever the situation, email marketers must examine email performance across all of their campaigns and performance for individual emails. 

For example, comparing the click-through rate for a whole campaign to the click-through rate for individual emails sent over different campaigns may assist. 

To better understand this, the first ten days of the month generate the best overall outcomes regarding click-through rates, order rates, and open rates.

best time for best Campaign Performance

With this information, you can improve your email marketing approach for optimum return on investment and make data-driven decisions. You can continuously enhance your efforts and keep a step ahead of the competition by monitoring the appropriate email marketing KPIs

How To Boost Campaign Performance

These tactics may boost email marketing KPIs:

  • Target open, click-through, and conversion rates for each email campaign. This will help evaluate and improve each campaign.
  • Compare subject lines, CTAs, and email content using A/B testing. It will help you determine your audience's preferences and improve advertising performance.
  • Segment your email list by purchase history, geography, or hobbies. It lets you deliver more targeted, tailored emails that convert better.
  • Personalize emails: Personalization boosts conversions. Propose products using the recipient's name, prior purchase history, or browsing habits.
  • Since more people check email on smartphones, optimize your email content for mobile devices. Keep email copy brief and mobile-responsive.
  • Use a strong CTA: Include an engaging CTA in your email to encourage action. Use action-oriented wording and make your CTA visible.
  • Track campaign performance using email statistics. Use open, click-through, and conversion rates to improve future efforts.

These tactics boost email marketing performance and help you meet your objectives. To optimize campaign success, frequently monitor and evaluate email analytics and make modifications.

Web Traffic And Conversions

Website traffic, conversions, and sales are the three pillars of email marketing. A web page where a purchase can be completed is almost always the destination of an email marketing campaign. 

According to 31% of B2B marketers, email newsletters are the most excellent strategy to nurture leads.

Web Traffic And Conversions

But because it necessitates fusing two disparate data silos—email and the web—this is frequently left untracked.

Add UTM parameters to email links to easily coordinate emails and campaigns sent using your email automation technology with web pages in your web analytics solution. 

It is essential to do this since these metrics show the proportion of recipients who carried out the email's primary objective, such as converting online to visit, buy, download, or carry out a close call to action. 

These indicators are crucial for determining ROI and adjusting to achieve your marketing objectives.

How To Optimize Web Traffic and Conversions

These methods may boost online traffic and conversions:

  • Send tailored email campaigns to each email list section. It improves content relevance and conversions.
  • Use clear and appealing CTAs in emails to drive action. Use action-oriented language and conspicuous CTAs.
  • Personalize emails: Personalization boosts conversions. Propose products using the recipient's name, prior purchase history, or browsing habits.
  • As more people read email on smartphones, optimize your email content for mobile devices. Keep email copy brief and mobile-responsive.
  • Social proof: Customer evaluations and testimonials boost trust and conversions.
  • Incentivize conversions via discounts or free shipment. Use haste to emphasize your offer.
  • Retarget folks who have engaged with your website or goods. Reminding consumers of things they like may boost conversions.
  • Use analytics to monitor email marketing performance and discover areas for improvement. Use open, click-through, and conversion rates to improve future efforts.

These methods boost email traffic and conversions. To optimize campaign success, frequently monitor and evaluate email analytics and make modifications.

Revenue Per Subscriber

The Holy Grail for digital marketers is calculating ROI. You can better gauge ROI if a value gets set for each email subscriber. 

This is especially true if your company decides to make email marketing the focal point of your business.

Revenue per subscriber shows your revenue per email address. It is one of your best email marketing indicators.

These numbers show how email marketing impacts your bottom line.

You may base growth choices on high revenue per subscriber and revenue per email.

How To Improve Revenue Per Subscriber

Here's how to maximize the return on all of your subscriber efforts.

  • Segmentation. You can make more money by sending emails that address your subscribers' needs rather than general "blasts."
  • Administration of lists. By pruning your list, you can eliminate subscribers unlikely to convert to paying clients. We'll review how to maintain a "clean" subscriber list under KPI and bounce rate.
  • Personalization. Use trigger emails and personalization tags to send emails at the correct times throughout a prospect's journey. 

To add a more personalized touch, try using a person's name rather than just a brand name in the "from" field.

You will be safer if you consider the above strategies when dealing with subscriber revenue dips.

Now you know the marketing cloud KPIs that matter in your email marketing efforts. 

You reap many benefits of email marketing if you play your cards right.

How to Set Realistic Email Marketing KPIs 

Here is some guidance for business owners and marketing professionals on defining reasonable email KPIs.

Here are some pointers:

  • Consider your objectives for utilizing emails as a marketing tool. Are you interested in increasing website traffic, brand exposure, or lead generation?
  • You can create KPIs to support your objectives if you know them.

For instance, to enhance website traffic, you could set a 10% monthly increase in click-through rate as your key performance indicator.

  • Keep your expectations in check. It's crucial to remember that not all email marketing efforts will provide a direct return on investment. 
  • However, you'll be more likely to experience long-term success if you emphasize audience engagement and developing relationships with them.

Follow your development and modify your KPIs as necessary. 

For you, how to send KPI emails should change as your email marketing approach does. 

Monitoring your progress and making changes as necessary can ensure that your KPIs are always accurate and reasonable.‍

How To Understand Which Email Metrics to Track  

Your email marketing objectives may differ from those of other companies like yours and perhaps change over time. 

Before sending and measuring emails, you must identify your email marketing goals.

Subscriber List Growth Rate

If you want to develop the top of your funnel—attracting more visits to your site, signing up more blog subscribers, and getting more people to utilize your free tools will build your subscriber list. 

Emails may include "Subscribe to Our Blog" or "Join Our Weekly Email List." 

If the list growth rate is flat or decreasing, consumers may not find your content or think it provides much value. 

Focus on methods for attracting qualified subscribers while ensuring you deliver the stuff they want to view.

For instance, you can make your email newsletter KPIs more engaging and personalized.

Unengaged Subscribers

As you monitor and expand your subscribers, keep a hawk's eye on your unengaged subscribers and consider eliminating them. 


Sending "graymail" to unengaged recipients may lower email delivery. 

Low engagement rates may cause email clients to send communications from known graymail senders to recipients' "junk" folders.

HubSpot intentionally unsubscribed 250,000 users from their Marketing Blog, including those who had signed up to receive notifications about new blog material. 

It cleansed reduced subscriber numbers from 550,000 to 300,000. 

Generated Leads

You can choose lead generation over subscriptions. If so, send emails with lead-generating content, which needs a lead capture form to access.

If your email marketing aim is lead generation, monitor your daily and monthly leads. You can prioritize all leads created or new ones uploaded to your database. 

Lead-to-Customer Conversion

Finally, you want to concentrate on the middle and the bottom of your marketing funnel and convert more leads into consumers.

According to Brilliance, the average email conversion rate from 2021 was 1.23% for all emails sent and 15.22% for those who clicked through.

Lead-to-Customer Conversion

If this is your aim, your emails will likely include more business and product-related material, such as "Start a Free Trial," "Get a Demo," or "Watch a Video of Our Product." If that is your goal, monitor your lead-to-customer conversion rate.

As straightforward as this is, many email marketers set targets without tracking their success. 

Track your progress toward your goal at any point in the month and carefully monitor any changes from month to month.‍

Track Your KPIs With AI bees

Your email marketing campaign's success depends on tracking and comprehending email marketing metrics. 

Keeping track of important performance indicators like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates can provide helpful information about your audience's behavior and help you optimize your upcoming campaigns. 

By leveraging artificial intelligence to tailor campaigns, optimize send times, and evaluate real-time analytics to improve performance, partnering with AI bees can push your email marketing attempts to the next level. 

You can raise engagement, increase conversions, and ultimately accomplish your email marketing objectives with AI bees. 

Book a demo with us today to experience AI bees' impact on your business.