Top Ethical Issues in Digital Marketing To Solve in 2025

Top Ethical Issues in Digital Marketing To Solve in 2025
Before you engage in any digital marketing campaign, learn how to tackle ethical issues in digital marketing without compromising your investment.
  • What are ethical issues in digital marketing?
  • What to do to be ethical?
  • The importance of market research
You will also be introduced to companies who follow ethical practices and marketing and read more as we award their moral branding that gives significance in the business world.Let’s get started. 📣‍
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ethical issues in digital marketing
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Proven Strategies and Techniques for Mastering B2B Inbound Marketing
Proven Strategies and Techniques for Mastering B2B Inbound Marketing
Updated date:
Mar 28, 2025

What are ethical issues in digital marketing?

What are ethical issues in digital marketing?

Ethical issues in digital marketing are becoming rampant as the internet evolves. 

Along with internet evolution, moral principles and disciplines dealing with good and evil, or right and wrong, are related to ethical digital marketing issues. 

Rules and regulations, laws and obligations, terms, and conditions for marketing practices are all legal issues in marketing. 

Conflicts and a lack of agreement on specific disputes or judgments lead to ethical difficulties in marketing.

As tech tools get more powerful and intelligent, their capacity to target individuals in an intrusive manner begs the question: where does digital marketing draw the ethical line?

where does digital marketing draw the ethical line?

A reasonable marketing effort turns potential clients into lifelong customers when done correctly. In an ideal environment, marketing boosts awareness of a product or service, resulting in a win-win situation.

These legal difficulties in digital marketing are also linked to marketing methods:

1. Clarity and Trust

Clarity and trust

Big data has two sides - on the one hand, you have this excellent opportunity to develop valuable audience insights. On the other hand, you risk being viewed as someone with unethical practices.

How are you going to get around this? When it comes to ethical marketing, honesty and transparency can make or break your company.

In the digital world, every action you take leaves a trace. We permit corporations to collect our data every time we sign up for a new website or app without really thinking about how they will use it.

It's buried deep in the privacy policy, and it's written in a language we're unlikely to comprehend anyhow. Language such as:

privacy policy

Sure, companies collect customer data to improve their products.

On the other hand, nefarious organizations utilize this data to hack into social media platforms like Facebook and target people with fake news stories. 

This tactic is said to have influenced the outcome of the 2016 US election.

Our smartphones are listening to what we have to say. Hundreds of apps have been programmed to listen through your phone's microphone, allowing businesses to target advertisements more precisely – even when the apps are just running in the background.

apps have been programmed to listen through your phone's microphone

Have you noticed when you hang out with friends discussing about all AirPods in order of their release, and suddenly, you begin receiving targeted adverts from them the next day?

Our smartphones are listening to what we have to say.

The internet is meant to be a free exchange of information, but huge tech giants have dictated mainly this freedom. 

Digital marketers need more precise boundaries around what is and isn't a violation of online privacy in this new age of big data and AI marketing tools.

The present problem at Facebook is only one of many privacy concerns that the corporation has had to cope with in its brief history.

Those privacy concerns are now front and center. The company's poor handling of how app developers stole its data has thrown it into its largest crisis in 14 years.

The discovery that a data analytics firm hired by Donald Trump's presidential campaign was able to collect data on 50 million users without their knowledge through a harmless quiz app has pushed CEO Mark Zuckerberg to apologize publicly and pledge reforms.

Taking a step back to consider Facebook's trend of privacy concerns gives a valuable perspective on how frequently the corporation has been rebuked.

privacy concerns are now front and center

Consumer trust and loyalty are affected by data privacy, which impacts spending. Trust is essential.

What can businesses do?

An important message emerged: Smart consumer-focused, market-driven companies identify significant brand opportunities.

Companies can be privacy-compliant while also building new touchpoints with customers that move to a higher level of trust. 

This is at the heart of ethical digital marketing and privacy by design.

2. Is it ethical to use user data to target advertising?

Marketers can target advertising campaigns based on targeted demographics and user data in digital marketing. The advertising firm needs careful consideration for this type of targeted targeting.

Although it can't be called unclean as such, the campaign should use discretion to ensure that the campaign doesn't violate a law that discriminates against a specific group of persons.

As Ms. Bergman noted, "Privacy and trust are two sides of the same coin," we are reminded that privacy's time is trust's time. She suggests that we can use what has legally mandated compliance and risk issues "to delight consumers with appropriate experiences grounded in trust."

‍Is it ethical to use user data to target advertising?

What can businesses do?

Marketers should explain why they are gathering personal data and how it will help them create more relevant and valuable advertisements. This is especially true when customers may not understand why a particular piece of information is required.

“We use the data that we have about you to provide, support, personalize and make our services (including ads) more relevant and useful to you and others,” LinkedIn says of its data usage policy. Such disclosures may also serve as a mission statement for employees, preventing abuse.

3. Put the competition to shame

Put the competition to shame

Comparison marketing is another ethical problem.

And, as long as you don't go too far, there's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. In general, it's preferable to highlight the advantages of your product rather than criticize others. And anything you say has to be accurate, or you'll lose all credibility.

When I think about comparison marketing, I think of election-season TV and traditional billboard advertising, which typically spends more time slamming the competition than discussing how their party proposes to improve things.

Comparison marketing

If you're going to make any promotional materials that pit your items against the competitors, double-check the facts first, or you'll be called out. Worse, you can find yourself in the middle of a legal battle. 

Consider whether it's worth the risk of losing your audience's trust and causing a rift between you and your competition. Ethical enterprises should help each other rather than tear each other apart.

One, in particular, took Twitter users by storm through the means of roasting competitors. 

Wendy's tweet has gone viral after she made sharp and deft roasts, threw shade, spilled tea, and snatched wigs.

Wendy's fans were probably unaware that the burger chain had a sassy side before 2009. Their Twitter bio states, “We like our tweets the same way we like to make hamburgers: better than anyone expects from a fast food joint.”

Wendy's has been flexing its meme literacy on Twitter, inventing the hashtag #NationalRoastDay with legendary roasts. This redhead girl mascot tweeted urging people to reply so that Wendy's could roast them.

Wendy's has been flexing its meme literacy on Twitter

What to do when you've got a craze on your hands?

You make it a holiday! 

Wendy’s proclaimed the 12th of January a Social Media Holiday of Roasting. With #NationalRoastDay, Wendy's celebrates its comeback talent while gaining marketing traction. 

TODAY reported that Wendy's created the holiday soon after starting the brands-roasting-brands trend.

While Wendy's will roast people all 364 days of the year, #NationalRoastDay gets Twitter users fired up and gets Wendy's in the spotlight. It's not just brands that enjoy getting into the fun; and even people volunteer to be roasted

Since launching its own Twitter account, Wendy's has been entertaining fans with deadpan comedy, witty comebacks, and even cheeky trolling of its competitors. They've been known to make fun of other fast-food restaurants, with McDonald's being a constant favorite target.

McDonald's being a constant favorite target

To wrap it up, Wendy’s roasted McDonald’s for using frozen beef while cleverly highlighting their slogan, “fresh never frozen.”

For good or bad, social media can significantly influence businesses. Even if the roasting was amusing and entertaining, a company's reputation is determined by how it responds to and interacts with consumers and other competitors. Sometimes it backfires right to your face.

What can businesses do?

Comparison advertising is another ethical issue. So far as it isn't too far, the idea of introducing competition is okay. Usually, it is more appropriate to highlight your advantages over criticizing others.

Comparison advertising is another ethical issue

All your words must be accurate; they will destroy you. 

If I think about comparative marketing, I think of election-season television ads and billboard advertisements that usually spend more time criticizing competitors than discussing how their candidates can change their ways.

When a promotion is being used to compare a business to another product, make sure you check the facts first, or you'd get a callback.

4. Marketing to Children

Marketing to Children

Children have always been the world's biggest and most active and rising market. 

A child's interests and identity are developed nowadays, not just on the playground but throughout a whole digital universe of potential interactions and choices.


"We have built a digital world, but we have no clue what the repercussions will be," says Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš.

Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš

Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš is a public health specialist and a medical doctor. 

She has been working on children's marketing for a while and, in recent years, has shifted her attention to digital marketing.

She said that digital marketing is meant to be addicting to children. It's all about entertainment, emotion, engagement, and chemical and non-chemical addiction.

Consumer behavior in children is directly tied to our feeling of self and appearance. Children as young as two years old may recognize brands. A link between an emotion and a brand image may be made via digital marketing.

Take a look at one of Xbox’s most controversial commercials released.

It wasn't just the violence of birth or even the rapid aging that most distressed viewers. Approximately 20 of the complaints come from recently bereaved people who are upset by the topic of death.

Another example is Barbie. Although childhood is built on this toy, owning a doll and watching how it is presented in marketing and the media can promote body dysmorphia.

With less representation of color and unrealistic body shape, Barbie is unhealthy psychologically and physically to both young girls and boys. An obsessive pattern of picking at the flaws in one's body.

An obsessive pattern of picking at the flaws in one's body

There’s a new trend that came to get kids hooked, can you guess it? VAPING.


Cigarettes are out, vaping is in.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention detailed, “News outlets and social media sites report widespread use of JUUL by students in schools, including classrooms and bathrooms.”

JUUL? Who is that? It’s not a who, but a what. 

JUUL is an e-cigarette brand that resembles a USB flash drive. In the same way as other e-cigarettes, JUUL produces an aerosol that is inhaled by heating nicotine-containing liquid.

In contrast to free-base nicotine in tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, JUUL uses nicotine salts, which allow extremely high levels of nicotine to be inhaled more easily and with less irritation.


Following the launch of its product in 2015, JUUL Labs bought online advertisements on teen-oriented websites such as Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Seventeen magazine.

Consuming these kinds of media, what do you think will happen to children as our future generation?

What can businesses do?

Children are significant users of the Internet. Millennials who have no experience in the digital world are the most frequent Internet users. 

Therefore, ethical businesses must avoid giving too much information online to young people. It may also hinder a person's ability to evaluate critical information. 


Make the marketing effort educational and not promotional.

But the situation remains extremely dangerous for some people having Google as an example and being the digital patron. While children enjoy online activities, most are unaware that online behavior is monitored by advertising.

The most successful brands represent something that transcends classification. In the children's TV model, advertising is about the share of voice, not the share of conversation.

This is a concept that Lego is conscious of and understands well. We all grew up with the brand, and Lego sets are passed down from generation to generation since the primary form factor of separate pieces remains constant. Legos have instant parental approval and are pure imagination in their most basic form.

However, throughout time, Lego has included pre-designed and licensed figurines that touch on popular culture and kits for a wide range of ages and creativity. This tactic is connected to marketing directed at fathers who wish to bond with their children. 

By always being both classic and new, this brand appeals to kids and parents.

A new market is crucial for the emergence of new resources and the development of new communities. Global youth markets, however, are unlike any other market. 

They're all around us.

They're interconnected. 

And they're the future.

Raising them well is our responsibility.

5. Is it reasonable to spam?

Is it reasonable to spam?

Let’s keep spam on our plates for breakfast and not into our inbox.

We've all had it: a barrage of irrelevant and uninvited advertising that gets in your face and tries to sell you products you don't need.

Spammers will show you whatever they want you to see, the polar opposite of the laser-targeted advertising discussed above. Privacy barriers are meaningless; once they get their hands on your information, they'll use it.

Spammers will show you whatever they want you to see.

The Federal Trade Commission protects its consumers' rights and works hard to prevent deceptive and unfair business. Its mission is to protect consumers and reinforce the CAN-SPAM Act.

Its mission is to protect consumers and reinforce the CAN-SPAM Act.

When someone signs up for an email on your website, the ethical approach is to be upfront about how often you'll send it. Keep the discourse on digital platforms focused on your audience, with only a few instances of self-promotion.

What can businesses do?

A corporation that prides itself on its positive ethical ideals should never use such dishonest selling practices.

Have you ever received spam from an organization like Amnesty International? Or the Red Cross in the United Kingdom? 

No, because it would cast a negative light on their business operations.

Watch this video below by Red Branch Media on ethical email marketing tips.

It's just as important to be open and honest with your audience about your motivations as it is to be open and honest about your online content. Unethical material may lose your business’ credibility.

6. Truthful Advertising

Truthful advertising

“You just won a million dollars!”

Sounds like a dream come true right? But what if the advertisement is not as truthful as it should be?

In social marketing, you must always be honest. All claims regarding promoting products and services must be fully backed up.

One bad example of untruthful advertising is when PepsiCo made an epic marketing failure in the Philippines–the number fever campaign.

As part of its 1992 promotion, Pepsi promised to give away 1 million pesos, equivalent to $40 000, to one lucky person who matched the number on the bottle cap.

There was an oversight in the manufacturing process which resulted in 800,000 bottle caps having the winning number 349 on them. The result? It was a disaster.

It might have been an accident, but it is still considered untruthful advertising that left a lot of 349 bottle cap winners disappointed or gravely upset.

What can businesses do?

“Honesty is the best policy.”

No other way to put it but to be truthful.

One fast-food giant follows this policy. It's no secret that KFC has been going through some branding issues in recent weeks and months, following the forced closure of 900 stores due to supply problems.

On this occasion, the marketing staff was forced to admit that something had gone wrong; thousands of hungry customers had been denied their fried-chicken fix. They needed to be truthful and apologize, but no one expected them to be so honest.

thousands of hungry customers had been denied their fried-chicken fix

Their 'FCK' advertisement was hailed s a big success, turning the whole ordeal into something of a dream; after all, scarcity breeds demand, as sales skyrocketed in the weeks after the reconnection of their supply chain.

Do you want to be like KFC? Here's a quick truthful advertising rundown:

  • Don't make false statements. It is critical to be as upfront and genuine as possible while promoting and using social media. Users respect brands willing to own their defects, mistakes, and failures.
  • Don't make false promises. Every assertion you make about promotions and advertising should be backed up with evidence. Make sure you follow the terms and conditions to promote a giveaway. Any departure might result in a social nightmare.

Digital media raises a variety of ethical issues, including:

  • There is a lack of transparency
  • Benefits vs. costs
  • Concerns about trust and integrity
  • Ownership of information
  • There are several vulnerable customers
Principles of a Company Promoting Ethical Marketing

7. Cultural Sensitivity

Culture along with race has always been a hot topic in society. 

To illustrate: A high-end furniture retailer intends to build a location in Dubai. Pictures of attractive young men and women relaxing on the couches while enjoying champagne and cocktails frequently appear in print commercials, internet ads, and social media posts. In a Muslim country, this marketing will be frowned upon.

One unethical marketing practice created in advertisements was with Dove and H&M.

Cultural Sensitivity

But if you are a person of color and you saw this in ads, what would you feel?

Yup! That’s right. It would be offensive to others. 

In response to an unethical advertisement posted on H&M's website, The Weeknd has ended his partnership with the retailer.

In a tweet, the singer said he was "shocked and embarrassed" to see a photo of a black child modeling a hoodie that reads "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle."

“I’m deeply offended and will not be working with H&M anymore,” he added.

The Weeknd has ended his partnership with the retailer.

Companies that wish to sell effectively always think about culture. They recognize that understanding the individuals they are marketing to is critical to their success. Not only that, but business ethics and social responsibility necessitate cultural awareness and respect.

What can businesses do?

Immersion in a culture (both foreign and local) is the most effective approach to becoming acquainted with it.

Pellegrino Riccardi, a cross-cultural specialist, utilizes examples from his own life to highlight cultural differences and misconceptions. Listening to his TED Talk can help you broaden your perspective on cultural sensitivity to be ethical in marketing.

What to Do to Be Ethical?

What to Do to Be Ethical?

Ethical marketing is based on a long-term education, advocacy, and campaigning strategy.

It is about:

  • assisting potential customers in making better.
  • being more informed about decisions regarding what they buy and the stores they visit.
  • rethinking how commodities are produced, manufactured, and sold.
  • connecting your company's beliefs with your target consumers to build brand loyalty.
Why Ethical Marketing Matters

The Importance of Market Research

The importance of market research

Even the most educated, modern, and switched-out person has trouble making skewed assumptions regarding other people based on various factors like race, age, and gender. 

Individuals may feel that they can't get rid of their learning association, significantly if we were raised on this.

Digital marketing does not suffer from these ethical implications at all. Marketing personnel should learn to recognize their own bias.

1. Communicate your mistakes

Many companies have misstepped in their digital marketing and traditional marketing strategies. Some would group people with specific demographics without weighing social/cultural differences and without appropriate awareness/sensitivity to them.

They managed this backlash with incredible determination. How often do patients complain to doctors that their medical care was wrongfully performed in their own right or wrong?

It's a standard paradigm for digital marketing. Instead of avoiding your mistakes, take responsibility for it.

2. Steer clear of stereotyping

Digital advertising campaigns narrowly distinguish between targeting a target population versus promoting a stereotype. The difference varies depending on your research. Too little or not enough research will inevitably rely on stereotypical assumptions. 

One example is Dove over this controversial ad. Communication between prospective customers and customers, clientele and users, and specialized research are essential in a market research strategy. 

3. Check your assumptions

Your business must show honesty before beginning with your idea. During a market study, make sure the information reflects the facts, and you target the people you do not know. 

Check your assumptions

One way of avoiding sociocultural supposition is by knowing yourself before talking to a target audience. You should never assume anyone else, no matter what digital marketing strategy or traditional media approach you to use. The discussion of these assumptions in a creative group can be insightful.

4. Market research and finding your audience

  • How can you reach your target audience?
  • Do we understand the character and what is their personality like?
  • Tell me the source? 

You may know the target market based on what product or service they are promoting, but you've already risked making assumptions about someone.

Marketing studies play essential roles in a successful marketing campaign. But it can sometimes be troublesome to remove your bias from examining such results.

After You Complete Market Research

After you complete market research

Marketing research begins with digital marketing. Once you have started monitoring your campaign, you should listen and change it according to metrics, data, and feedback.

1. Tracking Consumer data

Consumers' data is an enormous business. This is an essential component of effective advertising and marketing. Digital advertising is the key to reaching the right audience at the right moment and represents the critical component.

The old-fashioned method of putting advertisements at people to attract their attention becomes less effective as people become more personalized. Social and consumer media such as music videos and television shows can be easily adapted for individual preferences.

2. Privacy, Transparency, and Awareness

After you launch digital marketing campaigns, privacy will play a significant role in your marketing campaigns. Privacy is an increasingly prevalent issue in public life as digital technology is increasingly used.

Privacy, Transparency, and Awareness

Digital marketing is perhaps an important area for protecting data that cannot be identified. It may seem daunting, but digital marketers must work hard to achieve these goals.

Fortunately, some businesses follow ethical marketing and deserve all the attention they need to go green.

Top Companies with Ethical Branding and Marketing

Doing business has been around for a long time. About five thousand years ago, the earliest civilizations began trading. Historians think the earliest long-distance trade between Mesopotamia and Pakistan's Indus Valley was circa 3000 BC. Trade was also beneficial for human connection, elevating cross-cultural encounters to new heights.

This touch hasn’t changed one bit in modern times but instead contributes to better globalization. Innovations have been shredded into methods that affect all of us. Some have remained ethical when it comes to branding and marketing.

AI bees listed down The 2022 Top Company Award for Ethical Branding and Marketing given to world-class companies that bring ethical branding and marketing practices. 

A good company creates and produces something good. A great company produces something good with the intention to make a significant change.

There are many good brands and companies globally, but we have highlighted 15 top companies with ethical branding and marketing in this curated list of 2022.

1. Lush


Lush, a well-known cosmetics brand established in the United Kingdom, has long been praised for its commitment to ethical business practices.

“No company should be trading from an unethical position, and society has a right to expect as the norm fairness and resource stewardship from the companies that supply them," their mission statement reads on their official website.

This confirms their conviction that ethical marketing should be standard practice in the marketing industry.

Lush also rigorously opposes animal testing on all of its products and offers a "five-pot program," in which consumers receive a free product in exchange for returning five empty pots for safe recycling.

2. Climbing Trees

Climbing Trees is more than a passion project: it is committed to creating a sustainable agency with ethical foundations. They are building a company striving to leave the world a better place than we found it.

Climbing Trees is more than a passion project

Climbing trees is on a climb to integrate sustainability into all aspects of their business, from clients to suppliers to tools and tech.

Because of their existing Ecologi partnership, pending BCorp application, and commitment to become net-zero by 2030, they are also planting one million trees by 2030 as part of the partnership.



The company isn't just interested in corporate philanthropy to make a profit; instead, it's an integral part of the company's principles and identity.

TOMS has distributed over 60 million pairs of shoes to children worldwide since 2006. TOMS has also distributed over 400,000 pairs of eyewear to visually challenged individuals who do not have access to ophthalmological treatment.

TOMS's accomplishment has cemented its reputation as a socially conscious company whose brand has become synonymous with assisting indigenous people. TOMS continues to be a model of long-term ethical marketing that makes a real difference.

4. The Body Shop

The Body Shop

The Body Shop is a well-known company selling cruelty-free skincare.

cruelty-free skincare

They're also committed to conserving rainforests in several ways, including developing their Rainforest Hair Care line, which allows for the purchase and conservation of a sector of the Atlantic Rainforest at REGUA, Brazil.

The Body Shop aimed to help safeguard and regenerate ecosystems in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and Southern Ecuador's Andean foothills. As an outcome, 10% more wood is planted and saved than is utilized, resulting in a Wood Positive scheme.

5. Patagonia


Patagonia has been building a reputation as a socially conscious apparel company since 1985. Thanks to its distinctive clothing, Patagonia has waged a decades-long campaign against fast fashion. 

Because the brand's ideology is on being environmentally conscious, ethical marketing is a perfect fit. Patagonia advocates anti-consumerism in addition to raising awareness of environmentally responsible methods.

Patagonia advocates anti-consumerism

Patagonia continues to be a shining example of ethical marketing that is comprehensive, consistent, and authentic. Through decades of activity and a dedication to change, this socially conscious brand has earned the confidence of its customers.

6. JUST Water

JUST Water

JUST Water is a brand of sustainable water. You could argue, "Well, water is already sustainable," and you'd be somewhat correct. 

A product is much more than what it contains. Jaden Smith's JUST Water brand has a broad focus on social and environmental justice. 

JUST Water is committed to lowering carbon emissions by utilizing responsibly recycled materials and investing in infrastructure, with earnings going toward repairing old water mains and rethinking the water business model. 

JUST Water

JUST Water's devotion to forests is another factor in its marketing success. The FSC-certified paperboard bottles come with various information on their website, including informative infographics and images.

7. Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh, based in Germany, is the world's first carbon-neutral food delivery service. Along with its objective to transform people's eating habits, Hello Fresh constantly explores new methods to help consumers reduce their carbon impact.

Hello Fresh not only uses carbon-neutral packaging, but it also emits fewer CO2 emissions than the old food system.

Hello Fresh, based in Germany, is the world's first carbon-neutral food delivery service

8. Warby Parker

Warby Parker

Every idea begins with a problem. Warby Parker’s argument was straightforward: Glasses are costly.

2.5 billion people worldwide require glasses yet lack access to them.

624 million people suffer from severe visual impairments and cannot learn or work effectively. 

Warby Parker was founded to provide an alternative. They can deliver higher-quality, better-looking prescription eyewear for a fraction of the prevailing rate by bypassing traditional channels, creating glasses in-house, and communicating with customers directly.

Warby Parker was founded with a mission: to inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style.

A pair of spectacles is given to someone in need for every pair sold. The Buy a Pair, Give a Pair initiative has delivered over eight million pairs of glasses so far.

9. Dr. Bronner's

Dr. Bronner

If you've ever purchased or seen a Dr. Bronner's soap bottle, you're already aware that it's not like other soap businesses.

To begin with, the product's distinctive packaging contains the firm's interesting "Cosmic Principles," a 30,000-word philosophical lecture that company founder and self-styled doctor Emanuel Bronner talked about when traveling the US lecture circuit in the late 1940s.

Dr. Bronner's soap bottle

David Bronner, his grandson, and the current CEO has also been an outspoken advocate for social and environmental justice, including the campaign for stricter regulations on labeling products containing genetically modified ingredients.

10. People Tree

People Tree Free Tote Bag

The 'Our Blue Planet' collection by People Tree is an excellent example of two groups working together to develop an ethical marketing strategy.

This apparel manufacturer teamed up with BBC Earth in 2019 to promote the importance of our seas and marine conservation. It's the duo's second collaboration, and it allows customers to look stylish while also supporting sustainability and wearing something GOTS Certified.

As more and more marine and animal species become threatened, developing a clothing line that raises awareness is an enormous ethical and straightforward method for consumers to participate in activism.

11. Allbirds


With its steadfast dedication to environmentally sustainable production, this brand is revolutionizing the clothing industry. 

Allbirds keeps track of everything that affects its carbon footprint and even releases sustainability reports.

Allbirds keeps track of everything that affects its carbon footprint

In their marketing approach, Allbirds emphasizes their environmentally friendly practices. They've raised awareness of their cutting-edge supply chain, including sustainable materials, renewable energy, and regenerative agriculture.

Allbirds has earned the B Corporation certification (which recognizes businesses that meet the highest criteria for both social and environmental performance). Another huge achievement that customers value.

12. Faguo


Faguo's marketing material focuses on three areas to enhance its mission: increased customer education, activism, and accountability. 

Faguo's marketing material focuses on: increased customer education, activism, and accountability.

Faguo is undeniably an ethical brand. Faguo's marketing approach revolves around ethical marketing. Faguo is committed to fulfilling its mission: becoming a carbon-neutral company that takes an active role in fighting climate change with its customers.

13. Pela Case

Pela Case

The world's first 100% compostable and sustainable phone case.

It all started with Pela’s founder, Jeremy Lang. During a family trip to Hawaii in 2008, he witnessed firsthand the damage that plastic was causing to our seas. 

Pela’s founder, Jeremy Lang

Jeremy dared to spend years researching different materials to develop a plastic substitute that could be utilized in common items.

It's one thing to have a precise aim and purpose; it is another to put together the team and community to help you achieve it. This is why we established our core values: to assist ourselves and our community stays on track. Community, Consciousness, Courage, and Creativity are the four "C's" that produce a collective Impact.

The world's first 100% compostable and sustainable phone case.

14. Asphalte


Another brand that is shaking the fashion industry is Asphalte.

Along with its objective to minimize overproduction, the company advocates responsible consumption.

But it's the pre-order business model that genuinely sets Asphalte unique. There is no surplus inventory or overproduction since the brand only produces things that buyers request.

Asphalte always employs high-quality, environmentally friendly materials to maximize product lifespan and decrease carbon impact. There are also product care guidelines available to assist in reducing overconsumption.

Overall, Asphalte is an excellent example of ethical fashion marketing. The brand's marketing focuses on the industry's most critical concerns, assisting in raising awareness of solutions and promoting responsible consumption.

15. Conscious Coffees

Conscious Coffees

Mark and Melissa Glenn founded Conscious Coffees in 1996 and eventually sold it to current owner Craig Lamberty.

Many businesses, like Conscious Coffees, are working to improve circumstances for coffee farmers and producers all around the world. The coffee business provides livelihoods for 120 million of the poorest people in the world.

If climate change is not addressed decisively, half of the world's coffee production acreage might be destroyed. Growers, farmers, and suppliers across South America have benefited from the company's efforts to enhance its production pipelines.

The Conscious Footprint

Conscious Coffees is a certified B-Corporation with a community impact score in the top 10% of all recognized B-Corporations globally.

Check them out:


Instagram: @consciouscoffees

Twitter: @consciouscoffee

Final Note

Consumers must feel confident when shopping online because of ethical procedures in the ever-growing digital marketing landscape. 

If corporations disregard ethical principles, a moral gap may arise in business. While their reputation and brand image may not suffer immediately because of these ethical and moral failings, they will. 

Businesses have a responsibility to look out for investors, buyers, employees, and others involved in their day-to-day operations. 

As a result, it's critical to comprehend the significance of incorporating ethical concepts into every marketing strategy, regardless of the platform.

The most successful digital marketing organizations recognize the need to regularly work on their digital marketing tactics to keep them up to date with the ever-changing online business sector. 

In the digital era, failing to do so could negatively affect your company's sales, reputation, and ability to grow.

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