Marketing teams are going beyond the conventional call to action to attract new email subscribers. Why? A welcome email offers you a chance to improve your product sales and gets you a foot in the door.

However, many B2B companies fail to nurture new leads and turn them into customers effectively.

Lead nurturing campaigns are your evergreen, automated sales funnels that turn potential customers into paying customers.

Knowing that 80% of new leads never become customers is disheartening. So what do you do?

Build a solid lead nurturing email campaign!

A successful email lead nurturing campaign can help you seize a chance that would have otherwise been lost.

This article will explore different lead nurture email examples to convert prospects into customers.

But before we get further, let us have a refresher on what lead nurturing is all about.

What is a Lead Nurture Email?

A lead nurturing email is a customized email used to move visitors from the consideration stage into the lead funnel. These emails act on users' emotions using social proof or user-generated content.

Lead nurturing emails are a cheap way to boost sales, attract new clients, and retain current ones. They are said to generate 50% more deals than unnurtured emails.

Nurtured emails generate 50% more deals than unnurtured emails

The most important task throughout your sales and marketing journey is nurturing leads. 

Users must be informed about your offerings and services, and you must demonstrate that your solution might be the perfect fit for them. 

So, what are the goals of having a lead nurturing campaign?

Let's find out below.

Goals for a Lead Nurture Email Campaign

Your lead nurturing email flow should outline three primary objectives for your email marketing strategy. 

Build Long-Lasting Relationships

Since 96% of visitors aren't ready to purchase, you must persuade them that your offerings are the best options. The least you should do if they're not ready to buy is establish a favorable brand affinity.

To build a strong relationship with your prospective clients, keep the following in mind when it comes to your email campaigns:

  1. Timely: Ensure your marketing reaches people at the appropriate point in their journey. Utilize on-site engagement data and in-app triggers to send your campaign at the right time for your user.
  2. Relevant: Every communication has to be as uniquely tailored as possible. Try to segment your mailing lists as much as possible, and ensure every email campaign has material specifically tailored to the recipient.
  3. Valuable: Examine your marketing biases and consider your email from the recipient's viewpoint. Is it really worth upsetting them on a Wednesday at 9:15 AM with this information? Don't send it until it is if it isn't.

Understand Your Future Customers

Monitoring the lead nurture flow allows you to determine what content subscribers require at what point in their customer journey. This entails being aware of their duties, areas of discomfort, existing workflow, and preferred modes of communication.

To have a successful SaaS email nurturing campaign, you also need to know what your lead needs right now and where they are in the process of following you. They can be considering it, just getting started, or even ready to buy. If you don't ask them or record their experiences with your business, you won't know.

Gain trust by using your content to let others understand how each person is being served. From there, you ought to be able to automate your nurture flow to more effectively address people's needs and persuade them to start a free trial or purchase from you.

You can use this information later on for their user onboarding.

Convert Subscribers to Users

Your ultimate objective is to turn subscribers into users, whether they are paying or not. Rely on the strategies and techniques previously discussed to accomplish this goal.

How To Write A Successful Lead Nurturing Email

The ultimate goal of email nurturing is to get leads acquainted with your brand and influence them to become customers.

Writing emails that nurture leads effectively can be challenging, though. Even though every campaign is unique, you should follow these guidelines to create lead nurturing emails that are more effective:


make your emails more personalized

Add any recipient's relevant details to make your emails more personalized. A survey found that 80% of clients are more inclined to purchase from a brand that offers a tailored experience, and 90% of marketers feel that personalization is essential to overall business strategy. 

To grab their attention, provide at least the recipient's name and additional information, such as their business name or anniversary dates.


Write a copy that speaks to the needs and problems of your target audience. The recipient of your emails has to have some problem resolved. This may be giving leads who abandoned their carts a discount or giving B2B prospects interested in industry best practices a free webinar.

Clear and Precise CTAs

Ensure your emails have a call to action (CTA) at the end. Indicate clearly to the recipients what you want them to do, whether it's watching a video, using a discount code, reading a blog, or writing a review.

Simple Design

Your subscribers are unlikely to view long emails. Use simple templates that load rapidly and are readable.


Send emails automatically using a marketing platform depending on users' actions and behaviors. You can send timely, customized emails with the help of marketing platforms, all without taking over your marketing team's workload. With trigger-based emails, you may reach every subscriber immediately without requiring manual labor.

B2B Lead Nurture Email Examples

To be successful, every email in the lead nurturing sequence needs to be timely, tailored, have a clear goal, and include a call to action.

Use the lead nurturing examples below to inspire a process that converts window shoppers into customers without being pushy.

Follow the following stages to take your prospective clients through the sales funnel.

Stage 1: Welcome & Awareness

Typically, a lead's initial impression of a brand comes from a welcome email. It's exactly what it sounds like: a short note extending best wishes and a warm welcome to the lead for the brand. 

This type of email should be sent out as soon as you acquire a new free user, email subscriber, newsletter sign-up, or blog subscriber. Note that the goal at this point is to engage, so the lead is searching for a brief, friendly, and helpful message.

Below are two examples you can use.

Email #1: Welcome Email

Below is a welcome email from Buffer.

Buffer Welcome Email

Below are key elements of a welcome email:

  1. Clear Introduction: Give an overview of your company or product.
  2. A Mission Statement or Value Proposition: Describe the goal or advantages of interacting with your brand.
  3. Confirmation: Verify with the receiver that they have successfully joined or initiated a trial.
  4. Detailed Information: Provide relevant details such as the trial's duration, features, and what to anticipate from upcoming contacts.
  5. Engaging Call to Action (CTA): Include primary and secondary CTAs to direct users toward the next action, like utilizing your product or learning more.

Email #2: Latest Update Email

It's critical to promptly notify leads in your pipeline about policy changes and brand adjustments to keep them informed about your brand's advancements. You demonstrate your dedication to transparency and customer service by immediately notifying leads.

Promptly informing leads of updates builds their trust in your brand's reliability and customer service.

Below is an example from Leadpages.

Leadpages Update Email

Below are key elements of an update email:

  1. Timeliness: Make sure that notifications are sent out on time so receivers are aware of developments in real-time.
  2. Clarity: Provide a clear explanation of the changes or revisions being implemented.
  3. Relevance: Adapt the update's content to the reader's requirements and areas of interest.
  4. Transparency: Show transparency regarding the modifications' motivations and their implications.
  5. Impact: Describe the users' expected reactions to the updates and any necessary steps that they should take.

Stage 2: Education & Consideration

Email marketing strategies must provide your target audience with relevant and helpful information through informative emails. These emails engage subscribers, offer educational information, and promote conversions. 

Email #3: Educational Email

Establishing trust with your leads is the goal of email nurturing, not just pushing premium services. One of the most effective strategies for doing this is offering useful and relevant recommendations suited to their interests.

This strategy builds a solid, trust-based relationship with them and motivates them to interact with your brand's content. By offering insightful content, you show your knowledge and dedication to their achievement, resulting in a more devoted and active audience.

Below is an example from SuperOffice.

SuperOffice Educational Email

Below are key elements of an educational email:

  1. Relevance: The information should be highly relevant to the needs and interests of the recipient.
  2. Choice: Present a range of content links so prospects can select the most appealing to them.
  3. Expertise: By sharing high-quality material, you may show your knowledge of the subject matter and dedication to the recipients' success.
  4. Trust Building: Establish a connection based on trust by regularly providing insightful and relevant content.

Email #4: Social Proof Email

Sending out stories is a great idea; customer success stories, particularly, work well in inboxes. Instead of pushing purchases immediately, talk about how you've assisted others in succeeding. This strategy cultivates long-term relationships with your potential clients by establishing trust through actual proof.

Below is an example from Semrush.

Semrush Social Proof Email

Below are key elements of a social proof email:

  1. User Testimonials: These are actual users' success stories and real-life experiences.
  2. Relatability: To guarantee relevance, include examples from a range of sectors.
  3. Engaging Content: Information is presented in a way that draws the reader in and is captivating and engaging.

Email #5: Workshop/ Event Email

Organizing workshops and events give leads a great chance to learn new skills, and you collect leads' information. It's a win-win situation that benefits participants and gives you more insight into your target market. 

By using your email lists to reach the appropriate audience efficiently, you can ensure optimum attendance and engagement at your workshops and events.

Below is an example from ConversionXL.

ConversionXL Event Email

Below are key elements of a workshop/event  email:

  1. Clear Communication: Allows you to convey important information, including the date, time, location, and other relevant factors.
  2. Call-to-Action: Asking readers to RSVP or register by placing a conspicuous call-to-action.
  3. Mobile Optimization: Mobile optimization involves making the email mobile-friendly to reach recipients across various platforms.

Stage 3: Decision & Conversion

These campaign emails aim to progressively educate and convince leads, moving them closer to making a purchase decision. Every email is customized to the recipient's requirements and preferences, providing crucial information that helps their decision-making.

Email #6: Reward Emails

Leveraging the reward system in your email campaign is a powerful tool for sustaining lead engagement.

These reward emails are crucial parts of your lead nurturing campaigns because they express your gratitude to the leads and give them more incentives to keep in touch with your business. 

Below is an example from Buffer.

Buffer Reward Email

Below are the key elements of a reward email:

  1. Encouraging Engagement: Rewards are incentives to promote additional interaction with your company.
  2. Expressing Appreciation: Acts as a way to thank the lead for connecting and interacting with your brand.
  3. Special Treatment: By offering incentives, you can give the lead a feeling of exclusivity and particular attention.

Email #7: Free Trial Email

Leads should be provided with free trial emails to take maximum advantage of the trial period. These emails should clearly describe the free trial's features and advantages and explain how it can solve any particular problems or needs they may have. 

Below is an example from Hemingway.

Hemingway Free Trial Email

Below are the key elements of a free trial email:

  1. Actionable: Outline precise directions or further actions to enable users to benefit from the complimentary trial.
  2. Follow-Up: Notify users of the following steps or options accessible after their free trial has expired.
  3. Customer Support: Provide help or support to users with questions or require additional direction.

Email #8: Offers and Discounts Emails

A timely discount is the ideal motivation for new leads who are already interested in your product or service to try your brand. This strategy can help re-engage prospects who have been in your funnel for a while and convert hesitant leads who are budget-constrained.

Below is an example from Grind.

Grind Discount Email

Below are the key elements of an offer and discount email:

  1. Clear Presentation: Make sure the deal or discount is clearly marked and simple to comprehend.
  2. Relevance: Tailor the offer or discount based on the recipient's past experiences with your brand or interests.
  3. Value Proposition: Outline the advantages of the discounted good or service.
  4. Additional Information: Give any relevant information or terms and conditions about the deal or discount.

Email #9: Announcing New Products Email

New product launches need careful planning. Contacting your email list of leads who have expressed interest in your brand and products is one of the best ways to determine how well they are received.

Below is an example from Lucid.

Lucid New Product Email

Below are the key elements of announcing new product email:

  1. Exclusive Offers: Provide early adopters exclusive deals or discounts to encourage quick action.
  2. Launch Date: Clearly indicate when the new product will be available or when it will launch.
  3. Call to Action (CTA): Include a compelling and obvious call to action (CTA) urging readers to find out more, place a preorder, or buy a new product.

[H3] Stage 4: Re-Engagement

Cart abandonment can also refer to consumers who haven't used your website in a while. It's not always a sign that customers have abandoned their carts. Emails that persuade leads to revisit what they're losing out on and encourage re-engagement serve as gentle reminders.

Email #10: Re-Engagement Campaign

Below is an example from Grammarly.

Grammarly Re-engagement Email

Below are the key elements of a re-engagement email:

  1. Timely Triggers: Following a certain period of inactivity, emails are sent.
  2. Extra Incentives: Provide extra benefits like free tools or access to special materials.
  3. Encouragement Tone: Without coming across as overbearing, ask people to return in an encouraging and kind manner

Steps to Create a Lead Nurturing Email

Creating lead nurturing emails that connect with your audience and encourage conversions takes constant work and commitment.

You can follow the following process to get the most out of lead nurturing emails.

Define Your Goal

Before you start writing, think about your email's role in the lead nurturing process as a whole. What do you hope this email will accomplish? Is the purpose to inform the lead, motivate them to act, or provide a particular fix for their issue?

Once you answer these questions, you can move to the next step.

Identify Your Target Audience

Now that you know your goal, who is your target audience?

Who do you want to reach using your campaign and are highly likely to convert and become customers? Once you map your target audience, you can move to the next step.

Craft a Compelling Subject Line

64% of recipients open or delete emails based on subject lines

Do you know that 64% of recipients open or delete emails based on subject lines?

Yes, that's how important your subject line is. It can break or build your email campaign.

I like to think of every email's subject line as a promise: What will the recipient get from opening it? This will naturally pique their interest and grab their attention, so maximize this capability well.

Personalize the Email Content

Personalization is an effective lead nurturing email technique that could promote a closer bond between you and your audience. Personalized emails go beyond simply addressing recipients by name, though. They entail customizing your emails to your audience's unique demands, interests, and usage patterns.

Utilize research and analytics data to craft messages specifically speaking to each individual. 

Provide Value with Relevant Content 

There's a reason people subscribe to emails: they want something in return. Value is that "something." This could involve providing educational materials, tailored suggestions, updates, or special offers.

Providing value establishes you as an authority in your industry and demonstrates to prospective clients that you appreciate their time and attention.

The results? It pushes leads toward conversion by increasing engagement, fostering trust, and setting you apart from the competitors.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

A clear and appealing call to action (CTA) may greatly impact the effectiveness of your email marketing by encouraging conversions and pointing viewers toward the next phase of their journey—whether it is learning more about a subject, seizing a special offer, or making a purchase.

To make your CTAs as efficient as possible, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Have conspicuous CTA: To make CTAs stand out, use bold language, contrasting colors, and attention-grabbing buttons.
  2. Use action-oriented words: Consider using a more enticing call to action instead of the standard "Click here."
  3. Use proper positioning: Place your call to action (CTA) strategically in your email where it will most likely draw attention and encourage action. 

Design for Readability and Engagement

Optimize your email for ease of reading. Use simple designs that will be easy for recipients to read through the emails and encourage engagement. Also, ensure your email campaigns are optimized for mobile so that regardless of the device your recipients are reading your emails from, they get a similar experience as someone reading from a webpage.

Schedule and Send

Once your lead nurture email is ready, you can schedule it for later or send it immediately. Remember that most nurture emails are triggered by an action and sent once that action is completed, like subscribing to a package or adding a product to the cart.

Test and Optimize

Testing is an important step in improving your lead nurturing strategies. It entails regularly evaluating your email marketing, making data-driven decisions, and implementing changes to improve engagement and conversion rates.

A/B test the different aspects of your emails, such as subject lines, email content, CTAs, and send times, to find what works and make improvements for future email campaigns.


What's your key takeaway from the article?

For me, it has to be the lesson that timing is everything!

A lead can be nurtured using various methods, but numerous things must be considered. Your lead nurturing campaign plan may differ greatly from the next brand in line, depending on your industry, goal, organization, and lead's location in the funnel.

You may take control of everything by automating your lead nurturing procedure. It is impossible to manually send nurturing emails if you have a large database of users and prospects, each with unique criteria, segmentation, and funnel positions.

Have you been struggling with with nurturing your leads?

We are here to help.

At AI bees, we help nurture your leads down the sales funnel until they are ready to convert and purchase. Does this look interesting to you?

Book a demo and learn more about our services.